


6 Type Of Movies That One Must Have Watched


Planning a movie? So what are you looking for? Here we have presented Top 6 Movie genre that a normal guy must have watched in his entire life. We have carefully audited out the important features and expectations about what sort or category a movie will fall into, what type of genes does it carry to influence the screen.While stepping into the ticket window or while planning about the weekend movie, we wish that the ratings will do justice with our taste. It's a gamble, it is a risk that make a movie hit on the charts, smashing the roof tops of the earning graphs. So here we will list a number of circumstances which will act as a beginner's guide for a novice critics (common viewer).

The (Im)Poster movie :

Yeah! you have guessed it correct. Lots of fan shows, trailer graphics, an attractive cast which the fans hype for,  making fans' mind bobble out of the grey matter's arena and then it suddenly makes a dip on the screen. Perfect example would be Fantastic Four tripping down the isle of superhero flops ( like Green Lantern, Catwoman etc ). The world of superheros is an intricate one with the fans having high expectations and believing that the mercy of directors on their ideology of comic world imagination, will bore a fruitful result. And not living up to the standards mean a renovation of story line and to simulate the viewers mind like the movie never exists, becomes a herculean task. The art of reproductions then costs, a new cast and a better one, a new story line, a new character development on the screen (as we already know about the basic scenario of a superhero and how it ended in last scenario), a redefined suspense of an antagonist/a set of problems and theories that went on to become a hurricane and then the 'man under the spotlight' gets into the eye of storm and brings it down. And the perfect example would be Batman Trilogy's Christopher Nolan who is an artist of redefinition of conceptual art and a talisman of centralizing the cravings of viewers.

The Guns and Roses movie :

Little difficult to handle the violence movies. These movies focus on the lunatics of guns of streets and the battlefield. These include a hip hop style robust gangs of streets, claiming as mercenaries. The others are the imprints of war made heroes and the cinematic view of how a legend became a legend. American Sniper, shootings all it's way to Iraq War and a glimpse of most deadliest shooter, is one of the many War movies made on the idea of Guns and Roses. These movies particularly aim at the audience who finds interest in the history lessons of war, the first shooter player gaming maniacs and the one who loves uniform.So not recommended for viewers who want some spin of entertainment.

Words on screen movies:

The debate between the lovers of books and the ones with their 3D glasses on head, will continue till the mystery of Black Holes will be unraveled. Those in solitude, find a bliss in the imagination and perspective of others that they tend to enjoy rather than being a designer of their world of perfection.And when they see the vision of their imagination through their senses, the feel of resentment or the feel of appreciation works for the movie as well. Well it applies to comics also. Harry Potter, we would mention this idol first, who has really turned on the JK Rowling fans, not only created the database of fan pages, fan clubs and Potterheads, but has provided justice to the narration of self conscious.

DC and Marvel Universe:

A household name for the cinematic and comic universe of Gods, Mutants, Aliens and Billionaires who transformed themselves to become the superhero and men of hope. These superhero movies are launched with the intentions of record breaking viewership and fellowship along with bags of mint. And they target the audience of geeks and those whose childhood was filled with the cartoons and tv shows ( kids from the 90's era). So pro tip is to understand the basics of universe and the Phase it is evolving and then you can virtual connect the story line. DC has been renovating it's universe for the coming generation of Justice League while the MCU is aiming for the Civil War and the Phase 3.

BAE Movies :

Okay, bae and bae talks, a happy night, dream guy's home, coffee, (gains), cuddle and then memories. Do they have a conceptual story line? Well the playlist of movies like 'The Theory of Everything', 'Forrest Gump', 'A walk to remember',' The Illusionist' will surely let our hormones act like cupid but others fail due to the over excitement of fictional love or spoilers in the trailer (they should make a good trailer so as not to ruin the essence ).

'Everything is in the Trailer' Movie :

A smart guy can understand the difference between a trailer and a spoiled trailer. Generally the art of making a trailer is important as rumors go viral, trailer talks sprout up quick, everyone is talking or babbling about their handcrafted news. But when it comes to a trailer with like whole story in it, people ! get a protein bar instead.So even if you want to enjoy the whole 2 hours of  story because you want to check the ingenuity of what people say about trailer, go for the Netflix and Chill weekend.

6 Type Of Movies That One Must Have Watched Reviewed by Mercy Critics on 9:26 AM Rating: 5

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